Taiwan Demo Day in NY
IP² Scale Out Program力行「讓台灣新創飛向國際」,邀請有志前往美東市場發展的新創團隊參與。由經濟部中小及新創企業署支持,資育持續推動 IP² 國際新創專區業務發展,延續過往成功經驗,與美東新創加速器EntreCamp合作推出紐約計畫,囊括醫療、生技、資通訊、半導體、AI人工智慧等趨勢產業,邀請各領域的專家業師、企業決策高層人士,結合專業知識、跨國企業交流經驗、美國在地市場分析,以團隊營運能力、技術與產品研發進程、國際市場需求、科技及產業趨勢的角度綜合評估,自四十八組報名團隊中,遴選出十組臺灣潛力新創團隊前往紐約,展開為期四週之落地培訓,並於6月21日在紐約曼哈頓舉辦成果發表暨投資演示會(Taiwan Demo Day)。
The IP² Scale Out Program, supported by the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (SMESA), invites Taiwanese startup teams aspiring to expand into the East Coast market of the United States to participate. Building on past successes, i2i has partnered with the American accelerator EntreCamp to launch the Program. This initiative covers trending industries such as healthcare, biotechnology, information and communication technology, semiconductors, and artificial intelligence.
i2i invites experts, industry mentors, and corporate decision-makers to share their professional knowledge, international business exchange experiences, and local market insights from the United States. Startups are evaluated comprehensively based on their operational capabilities, technological and product development progress, international market demand, and technology and industry trends. Out of 48 applicant teams, 10 promising Taiwanese startups were selected to go to New York for a four-week on-site training program. This culminated in a results presentation and investment demo day (Taiwan Demo Day) held in Manhattan, New York.