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Preteeth AI (Dentscape)
由台大牙醫師、前亞馬遜北美區業務經理、前臉書 Al PhD Researchers (紐約與西雅圖辦公室)四位共同創辦人成立。曾加入美國UC Berkeley生醫創新計畫、矽谷加速器 500 startups與Appworks,也曾獲全台最大的創業獎項-科技部創新創業激勵計畫的首獎,利用人工智慧實現假牙自動設計,如牙冠、牙橋和咬合板等。 此項技術有效地提高了牙科治療的效率與品質,幫助牙醫師為患者在同一天內完成治療。
Preteeth is developing 3D generative AI software for automating dental design workflows. To address technician shortages affecting 80% of dental labs, our Large Dental Model (LDM) reduces processing time by 90% without the need for CAD skills, effectively tackling issues of understaffing and work overload. With over 500 million dental crowns produced annually worldwide, Preteeth’s LDM is poised to significantly streamline operations and meet high demand. It supports various designs such as bridges, dentures, nightguards, and more.
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