IP² Launchpad Grand Ceremony
《經濟部中小及新創企業署 IP2國際新創專區計畫
IP² LaunchPad Program》
IP2國際新創專區目標在吸引想要打開亞洲市場的國際團隊進駐,經篩選後的團隊可以參加顧問團審查會, (顧問團審查會由前經濟部長施顏祥博士擔任召集人,號召宏碁、華碩、大同、聯發科、康舒、國眾、凌群、中磊、中華資安、精誠、邁特、秀傳、長庚、榮總、馬偕、北醫、中華開發生醫創投、大盈國際投顧、國衛院、工研院、資策會及生技中心等知名企業與機構之決策者),與台灣頂尖知名企業家對話並展示自家創新核心技術,透過人脈介紹與安排商業媒合會議,找到最合適之臺灣對接企業。運用臺灣豐富之產業資源加速亞洲市場拓展,並利用在地完整科技製造生態鏈優勢,成立生產基地或研發中心,供貨全世界。
IP² Launchpad program is a tailor-made program per company needs which helps international companies to connect Taiwan’s ecosystem efficiently. The program provides international companies with exposure, a center to launch their activities, validate their technologies and expand into East Asian markets with strong strategic partners.( Executives from Acer, ASUS, SYSCOM and Taipei Medical University, etc.)
The program aims to integrate global software solutions with Taiwan’s hardware industry, including personal computers, LCDs, semiconductors, and phones — as well as its healthcare system. IP² launchpad also offers flight ticket, one-on-one business partnerships, networking events, visa application help, media exposures and fundraising opportunities.
Round trip flight tickets with upper limit for one person Free accommodations at Taipei with Co-working space.
One on one business partnering event Assist with followups to complete a local POC and win possible first orders.
Non-stop roadshow with high-profile potential clients and partners Help create your network and build partnerships.
Fund raising pitch opportunity VIP pass attending at the largest Startup exhibition – InnoVEX of Computex.
Entrepreneur visa application
2023 Project Achievement
前經濟部長施顏祥召集人領軍 Former Minister of Economic Affairs Appointed as Chairman
41家法人產業、創投、生技醫療 41 Organizations from Industry, Venture Capital, Biotechnology, and Medical Fields
召開4次審查會,主題包括醫療、永續、資通訊等 Four Review Meetings Held, Covering Topics such as Healthcare, Sustainability, and ICT
評選出16組具備潛力之加拿大和日本新創 16 Potential Startups from Canada and Japan Selected
2020年起,資育推出「IP² Launchpad Program 國際新創落地臺灣加速計畫」,透過國際顧問團的資源挹注,促成國際新創與臺灣企業互惠合作,成功導引了國際新創與臺灣企業精準對接的模式。
自2023年起,資育透過加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 (CTOT, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei)與加拿大新創科技加速器(Canadian Technology Accelerator,CTA) 擴大合作,邀請加拿大新創參與國際顧問審查會,透過與國際創育夥伴的多方合作,以及精準對接媒合的創新做法,推動臺灣新創走向國際市場,同時吸引國際新創與臺灣企業共創交流。
今年度,資育與加拿大CTA、日本新創加速器Landing Pad Tokyo (LPT)、日本福岡銀行 (The Bank of Fukuouka) 聯合推出 2024 IP² Launchpad Program,以AI (AIoT)、HealthTech、半導體等全球趨勢產業為主題,遴選優秀的加拿大及日本新創團隊參與國際顧問審查會,進一步擴大國際新創版圖。
一月,與CTA共同舉辦第一場加拿大國際顧問審查會Demo Day,。
五月,邀請CTA、LPT及福岡銀行分別協力舉辦第二、第三場Demo Day,分為加拿大、日本專場,促進國際新創與臺灣新創或企業實質合作的可行性。
六月,資育代表團赴加拿大多倫多,於當地舉辦第四場Demo Day,探查國際市場脈動並鏈結海外新創生態系。
十月,將與CTA攜手舉辦第五場Demo Day,加速臺灣與加拿大創業生態系鏈結。
Since 2020, i2i has been spearheading the 'IP² Launchpad Program' to facilitate international startup landing in Taiwan. Through a network of our review board, we've successfully connected international startups with Taiwanese enterprises, fostering mutually beneficial collaborations.
Starting in 2023, i2i has expanded its partnership with the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei (CTOT) and the Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA), inviting Canadian startups to participate in international advisory board reviews. By collaborating with global incubation partners and employing precise matchmaking strategies, we've been propelling Taiwanese startups onto the international stage while attracting international startups to co-create with Taiwanese enterprises.
This year (2024), in partnership with CTA, Landing Pad Tokyo (LPT), and The Bank of Fukuoka, our program focues on global trend industries such as AI (AIoT), HealthTech, and semiconductors. We've selected outstanding Canadian and Japanese startup teams to participate, further expanding our international startup landscape.
In January, we co-hosted the first Canadian Demo Day with CTA.
In May, we invited CTA, LPT, and The Bank of Fukuoka to jointly organize the second and third Demo Days, dedicated to Canadian and Japanese startups respectively,.
In June, an i2i delegation traveled to Toronto, Canada, to host the fourth Demo Day.
In October, we will join hands with CTA to host the fifth Demo Day.