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Numbers Protocol
提供一系列去中心化服務,透過區塊鏈技術來加強數位資產(如影像、圖片、聲音等)的安全性和透明度。這些數位資產在創造時便附加了包含地理位置、時間、創作者、擁有者、產生設備等資訊的註記,形成一種不可篡改的數位履歷。致力於建立一個跨領域、跨地域、跨時代的 Web3 社群,以推動數位信任的未來發展。
Numbers Protocol utilizes blockchain technology to preserve the provenance of digital media, ensuring transparency and trust. It enables verification of the content creator and also detects potential manipulation by AI. Numbers Protocol's mission is to help restore trust in the media, at a time when it's at its lowest.
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