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Autopass Inc
願景是改造未來二十年的行車體驗,透過軟體改善出行過程的不方便,讓全世界的每一位車主而擁有更好的行車體驗,以「車主的錢包」為初衷專注於出行金融支付整合。目前與全台超過2,000 個出行場景合作,其中包含600家中油直營站、超過1,000 個公私有停車場與16 個縣市的路邊停車。 除了努力拓展出行場景之外,同時也發展自有產品「車麻吉」App,目前累積會員數已超過百萬。
AUTOPASS transforms the driving experience for car owners across the globe by providing a cutting-edge software solution. Our cutting-edge technology streamlines various payment aspects of driving and transforms vehicles into a better payment method. With AUTOPASS, drivers can enjoy their journey and make it remarkable.
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