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亞洲首家總體經濟投資資訊平台,結合金融與科技,自建大數據資料庫,整合全球上千萬筆數據,打造最佳的經濟動態觀測站。以創新精神為軸,轉擴「全民總經教育」影響力,累計逾 38 萬名用戶、創造每年 3,560 萬次的平台觀看數。以 20 餘人團隊立足臺灣,放眼全球,實踐品牌使命「運用數據,讓人人都可以為自己的決策負責」,並在 2023 年以新創之姿榮獲國家產業創新獎。

MacroMicro is the first macro investing platform in Asia with 380,000 users globally. We integrate finance and technology to visualize correlations among data. Our platform enables the public to see economic trends easily and to be responsible for their own decision making.


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