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Excellence Pursued in i2i: IP2 Advisory Board Welcomes Top Corporate Executives and Industry Experts to Lead International Linkage Project

The Taiwan Startup Terrace, operated by the Innovation to Industry Team (i2i), is dedicated to propelling Taiwanese startups onto the global stage, facilitating the landing of promising international startups in Taiwan, and fostering bilateral exchange between Taiwan and the world. This initiative aims to promote the internationalization of local industries and the innovation of emerging technologies. Simultaneously, it encourages the acceleration of innovative technologies and concepts through the IP² LaunchPad / Scale Out Program. To achieve these goals, IP² annually invites top corporate executives and experts from various fields to form the IP2 Advisory Board. This allows participating startups, engaged in matchmaking, mentoring, and acceleration programs, to gain invaluable firsthand knowledge and experiences from these expert advisors.

This year, IP² extends a sincere invitation to influential figures in the industry to join the advisory board, enhancing the professionalism and comprehensiveness of our services, and instilling greater confidence in our ongoing international exchanges and collaborations with countries such as Japan, the United States, and Canada.

(Group photo of the Advisory Board in January 2024)

To attract global international teams for mutually beneficial cooperation with Taiwan, IP², under the leadership of former Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. Yen-Shiang Shih, with the support of the SMESA, has rallied decision-makers from renowned enterprises and institutions such as Acer, ASUS, MediaTek, Quanta, Lite-On, Zyxel, CHT Security, Systex, MiTAC, Taiwan Sugar, Show Chwan, Chang Gung, Tri-Service General Hospital, Mackay Memorial Hospital, National Taiwan University, China Development Industrial Bank, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Institute for Information Industry, and Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories. Additionally, experts in various fields including healthcare, biotechnology, materials, information and communication technology, software, semiconductors, and AI have been invited to join the IP2 Advisory Board. Each year, more successful individuals are invited to join the team, aiming for a more comprehensive support system for all startups participating in the IP² programs. This comprehensive assistance includes insights into international market trends, industry dynamics analysis, guidance on contemporary trends in technology and its applications, and experiences in multinational corporate collaboration.

In addition to the invaluable opportunity to engage with top Taiwanese entrepreneurs and showcase their innovative core technologies, participating startups can also benefit from networking introductions and arranged business matchmaking meetings. These connections help them find suitable partners for collaboration, refine their operational directions, and enhance the development paths of their products and applications.

(Group photo of the Advisory Board in January 2023)

In the past, the i2i team collaborated with SOSA, an Israeli partner with extensive experience in international startup matchmaking. From 2022 to 2023, they nurtured and supported 12 Taiwanese startups to showcase their innovations in the international market, securing significant investments.

Building upon this experience, this year (2024), IP² is collaborating with EntreCamp, an international startup incubator based in the United States, to launch the third International Linkage Project. This initiative aims to once again propel promising Taiwanese startups onto the international stage. Under the scrutiny and guidance of the expanded IP2 Advisory Board, this new startup acceleration project focused on landing in New York will operate with more comprehensive and meticulous preparation. The team earnestly invites continued attention from all sectors to the outcomes of this project and welcomes expert professionals interested in guiding Taiwanese startups toward international integration to join the advisory board, providing invaluable firsthand advice and guidance to future entrepreneurs.

(Group photo of the inaugural Advisory Board in 2020)

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