資育今年度攜手美東創業加速器EntreCamp推出2024 IP2 Scale Out Program 紐約計畫,協助臺灣潛力新創參與為期六週的全英文專家課程,針對美國投資市場及產業脈動提供指導諮詢,讓國內新創團隊能用更佳姿態面對海外市場的挑戰。
Course 6:Fundraising, Valuation, and Pitching 募資、估值與投資簡報技巧
最後一堂EntreCamp線上課程,講師Terry和Tina講解新創公司在募資與進行簡報演示的成功關鍵。課程首先探討募資的注意事項與禁忌。隨後,講師針對常用的投資方法,如可轉換債(convertible notes)及未來股權簡單協議(SAFEs)進行說明。此外,講師介紹新創公司進行合理估值的各種方法,並提供實用的簡報技巧,帶領新創團隊們分別進行簡報模擬演練,同時分享過去創業募資過程中的策略與經驗。
新創募資 Startup Fundraising
「生活方式企業」主要關注盈利,而具備可擴展性的新創公司則更注重高成長率以及提升市占率。Lifestyle businesses primarily focus on generating profit. In contrast, scalable startups emphasize achieving high growth rates and expanding market share more.
如果新創目標不是成為獨角獸公司,就不必接觸創投。There’s no need to approach VCs if you’re not aiming to become a unicorn.
先深入了解創投公司的偏好再深入交流,它們大多有特定的投資條件和策略。Know the VCs you’re approaching. They have specific investment terms and strategies.
在開始募資前,先建立企業的獨特價值主張(UVP)。Before starting fundraising, prioritize building your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).
保持「簡潔的股權結構表」。Maintain a “clean cap table.”
可以利用可轉換債或未來股權簡單協議進行投資。One of the investment methods is through convertible notes or SAFEs.
依據「需要多少資金來實現特定目標?」來估算募資金額。When determining how much funding to raise, base your estimate on the question: “How much money do you need to achieve your goals?”
估值 Valuation
替代法:也就是考慮「要完全取代你的企業需要多少錢」。Replacement Method: This method considers how much money it would take for someone to replace your business.
市場倍數法:這是一種常用方法,但必須使用根據產業的選擇正確的「倍數」。Market Multiple Method: This is a commonly used approach. However, it’s crucial to use the correct multiplier that fits your industry.
折現現金流法:適用於現金流可預測的公司。Discounted Cashflow Method: this method is suitable for companies with predictable cash flows.
簡報技巧 Pitching Skills
預留問答時間。Allow Time for Q&A.
內容勝於創意。Focus on Content Over Creativity.
從次要募資目標開始。Always start with your Cs.
持續改進簡報內容。Continuously Improve Your Pitch Deck.
避免討論退出策略。Avoid Discussing Exit Strategies.