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ANVOS Analytics

ANVOS Analytics 是一家潛力日本新創企業,專注於研究先進的光學技術,包括拉曼光譜(Raman)、表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS)及布里淵光譜(Brillouin),並開發出能夠滿足各產業多元的分析需求的應用解決方案,服務項目涵蓋諮詢、培訓、委託分析、客製化分析設備開發、應用軟體開發、分析儀器進口與銷售等,致力於將雷射光譜技術從學術研究推向實際工業應用,同時為客戶打造客製化的創新解決方案。

ANVOS Analytics specializes in advanced spectroscopic technologies, including Raman, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), and Brillouin spectroscopy, to address a wide range of analytical needs across industries. Its services include consulting, training, contract analysis, custom analytical equipment development, software development, and the import and sale of analytical instruments.

ANVOS Analytics is committed to transitioning laser spectroscopy from an academic field to practical industrial applications, delivering innovative, client-tailored solutions.

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