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VitalTracer 開發可穿戴醫療設備「VT-Patch」,專為兒童設計,提供即時健康監測,能夠無線監測血氧濃度、心率、呼吸率、皮膚溫度等多項生理數據,並且結合了警報系統,幫助提升患者生活品質、減少住院時間、降低醫療成本,可應用於住院及門診病患,並透過客製化API與醫療系統無縫整合。
VitalTracer focused on developing wearable medical devices, with its flagship product "VT-Patch" designed for children’s health monitoring. This wireless device provides continuous real-time tracking of vital signs such as blood oxygen levels, heart rate, respiratory rate, and skin temperature, integrated with an alarm system, aims to improve patients' quality of life while reducing the burden on healthcare resources. It is suitable for both inpatient and outpatient care, and can be seamlessly integrated with medical systems through customizable APIs.
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