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Nextologies 是一家科技服務公司,專注於全球高畫質廣播影音運輸,簡化頻道、內容所有者和現場製作之間的聯繫,在全球各地設有主要樞紐,價格比領域競爭對手低20-50%。Nextologies利用其垂直整合和創新能力,開發和運營自己的基礎設施及軟硬體。目前已獲得美聯社和UFC等知名公司信任。

Trusted today by the likes of Associated Press and UFC, Nextologies is a technology-enabled services company specializing in the global transportation of broadcast-grade video. We simplify the interconnection between channels, content owners, and live productions with their major distribution hubs around the world, priced 20-50% less than competitors in this space. Nextologies leverages its vertical integration and innovation, developing and operating its own infrastructure, hardware, and software that's built in house.

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