FluidAI Medical
FluidAI利用人工智慧提供數據驅動的患者康復解決方案,改革醫療系統,研發出Stream™平台,一款用於術後監測的系統,應用於早期檢測,例如吻合口(消化系統)漏症等併發症的早期徵兆,從而減少因延遲檢測帶來的風險。Stream™平台包括一款名為Origin™的專有硬體設備,配備納米感測器,用於手術後引流液的組成分析,以及電子健康記錄Stream™應用程式,可以記錄患者康復情況、可視化患者數據,並顯示FluidAI的風險評分。FluidAI近期成就包括與Medtronic建立合作夥伴關係,以及與Cleveland Clinic和Mayo Clinic等醫療機構合作,並在2023年成功獲得1500萬美元的A輪融資。
FluidAI is revolutionizing the healthcare system by providing data-driven patient recovery solutions using AI. FluidAI has developed Stream™ Platform, a postoperative monitoring system to detect early signs of complications such as anastomotic (gastrointestinal) leaks, mitigating the risks associated with delayed detection. Stream™ Platform comprises a proprietary hardware device known as Origin™, equipped with nanosensors for the compositional analysis of drainage fluid post-surgery, and the Stream™ app integrated with the Electronic Health Record. The app charts patient recovery visualizes the patient’s data, and displays FluidAI's risk scores. FluidAI’s technology allows a paradigm shift in the standard of care from delayed and reactive to predictive and proactive. FluidAI's recent achievements include a commercial Limited Market Release, strategic partnerships with companies like Medtronic, and healthcare institutions such as Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic, distribution contracts with key players, and a successful $15 million USD Series A in 2023.