Cipher Neutron
Cipher Neutron專注於推進AEM電解裝置和可逆燃料電池技術,用於綠色氫氣生產、能源發電和儲能解決方案。作為領先的綠色氫氣供應商, AEM電解裝置以不依賴PGM(貴金屬)如鉑、銥和釕而著稱,為最具經濟效益和供應鏈無限制的商業可用解決方案之一,提升生產綠色氫氣的成本效益;且該裝置不含PFAS,符合綠色環保永續的概念。
Cipher Neutron stands at the forefront of innovation in technology, specializing in the advancement of AEM Electrolysers and Reversible Fuel Cells for the purpose of green hydrogen production, power generation, and energy storage solutions. As a prominent provider of green hydrogen, our AEM Electrolysers distinguish themselves by their capacity to produce hydrogen without the reliance on PGMs (Platinum Group Metals), including Platinum, Iridium, and Ruthenium. This unique feature positions our AEM Electrolysers as one of the most economically viable and supply chain constraint free commercially available solution, facilitating the cost-effective production of green hydrogen. Our AEM electrolysers are PFAS-free, ensuring sustainable and environmentally friendly green hydrogen production.